Rock & Gem Show DatesMarch 2025 30-30—ST.CLOUD, MINNESOTA: Annual show; St.Cloud Agate Swap; Bestwestern Kelly Inn, 100 4th Ave S; Sun. 10-4; Free; contact Andrew Lange; Email: Stcagateswap@gmail.comApril 2025 2-6—JOSHUA TREE, CALIFORNIA: Annual show; Joshua Tree Gem & Mineral Show; Joshua Tree RV Lake & Campground, 2601 Sunfair Rd; Wed. 9-5, Thu. 9-5, Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9-5; Fun for all free admission & free parking; Day 5 Sunday 9 - 4; contact Bill Sherwood, (760) 218-6137; Email:; Website: 2025 2-3—YUCAIPA , CALIFORNIA: Annual show; Yucaipa Valley Gem and Mineral Society; Yucaipa CA, Yucaipa Blvd and Adams Street; Fri. 5-10, Sat. 12-9; Free; Annual show with over 15 dealers, kids activities, and club store. Held in conjunction with the Yucaipa Music and Arts Festival that has entertainment, activities and arts and crafts booths and displays; contact Lee Peterson; Email:; Website: 2-4—MCPHERSON, KANSAS: Annual show; McPherson Gem and Mineral Club; McPherson County 4-H Building, 710 Woodside; Fri. 9-6, Sat. 9-6, Sun. 10:30-3; Free Admission; Hourly Door Prizes, Amethyst Cathedral Raffle, Kids Spinner Table; contact Larry Hackney; Email:; Website: 2-4—KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN: Show and sale; Kalamazoo Geological Society; Kalamazoo Expo Center, 2900 Lake Street; Fri. 2-8, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-5; $5 - 12 and under are free with paid adult; 45+ dealers, silent auction, kids activities, geode cracking, daily door prizes, something for everyone; contact Rick Berner; Email: (269)-217-6568; Website: 2-4—SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA: Wholesale and retail show; Gem Faire Inc; Scottish Rite Center, 6151 H St; Fri. 12-6, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-5; $7 weekend pass; Fine jewelry, crystals, precious & semi-precious gemstones, millions of beads, gold & silver, minerals & much more at manufacturer’s prices. Buy direct from the importers & wholesalers. Jewelry repair & cleaning while you shop; contact Yooy Nelson, (503) 252-8300; Email:; Website: 3-4—HIXSON, TENNESSEE: Show and sale; Tennessee Valley Rock and Mineral Society; Chester Frost Park Pavillion, 7989 Causeway Road; Sat. 10-4, Sun. 10-4; Free Admission & Parking; The Tennessee Valley Rock and Mineral Society presents ROCK YOUR WORLD-A ROCK AND MINERAL, GEM AND JEWELRY SHOW AND SALE, 25 vendors, exhibits, displays, door prizes, and activities for children ; contact Mary Beth Bednarczyk; Email:; Website: 3-4—PITTSTON, PENNSYLVANIA: Show and sale; Mineralogical Society of N.E. Penna; Oblates of St. Joseph, 1880 Hwy 315; Sat. 10-5, Sun. 10-4; $3 general admission. 12 and under free; Gem Miner Sluice, Flintknapper, and Food Vendors are outside. Indoors, two dozen select general and specialized dealers will be offering a vast selection of crystals, fossils, jewelry, geodes, etc. Youngsters have an educational geological scavenger hunt and get to play and learn in Dinoland; contact George Walko, (570) 200-5987; Email: 3-4—BOULDER CITY, NEVADA: Annual show; Southern Nevada Gem and Mineral Society; Inside the recreation center/gymnasium at Boulder City Spring Jamboree, 900 Arizona Street; Sat. 9-5, Sun. 9-4; Admission is free. Children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult; Come see 40+ vendors in the Southern Nevada Gem and Mineral Club's indoor, climate-controlled event of the year. There are silent auctions hourly during show hours, live demonstrations of lapidary and jewelry-making arts, incredible displays and things for kids to do at our Kids Club Booth ; contact Orville Wiemers, Jr; Email:; Website: 3-4—TOLEDO, OHIO: Show and sale; Northwest Ohio Rockhounds; St James Lutheran Church, 4727 Sylvania Ave; Sat. 9-5, Sun. 10-5; Free Admission; Free Kid's Activities Rock Identification, Geode Cracking, Fossils, Minerals. Slabs, Rough, and Polished Materials Handmade Jewelry and Crafts Decorative Art and More; contact Suzanne Shimatzki, (419) 376-2650; Email:; Website: 3-4—ROOSEVELT, UTAH: Annual show; Crystal Festival - A Rock, Mineral, Gem, & Crystal Show; Grace Event Center, 1024 US-40; Sat. 10-8, Sun. 10-8; FREE; Come shop, network, sign up for rockhounding trips, meet mine owners, jewelry designers, lapidary artists, mineralogists, geologists, rock hounds and more! Find your happy place amongst rock loving friends at The Crystal Festival. Mineral Identification Lab, Scout Presentations, Classes, Workshops; contact Adrienne Marie McElwain, (801) 989-6926; Email:; Website: 3-4—KINGMAN, ARIZONA: Annual show; Mohave County Gemstoners; Mohave County Fairgrounds, 2600 Fairgrounds Blvd; Sat. 9-5, Sun. 9-4; Free admission and parking; Cabs, slabs, minerals. Door prizes, silent auction, raffles and kids tables. RV setups; contact Daina Sandhop, (425) 268-9983; Email:; Website: 3-4—ROSEBURG, OREGON: Annual show; Umpqua Gem & Mineral Club; Douglas County Fairgrounds, 2110 Frear Ave; Sat. 9-5, Sun. 10-4; FREE; Umpqua Gem & Mineral Club’s 53rd Annual Show – “Rockhound's Roundup”; Dealers, Demonstrations, Silent Auction, Displays; Fluorescing Rocks Tent; Kid’s Zone - Wheel of Fortune, Klinko, and Rock Hunts; Raffles; Door Prizes; contact Jay Thomas, (503) 400-2090; Email: 3-4—TOPSFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS: Annual show; North Shore Rock & Mineral Club; Topsfield Fairgrounds, 207 Boston Road, Rte. 1; Sat. 9-5, Sun. 10-4; General Admission $7; $6 with copy of ad/coupon; Children under 12 Free; Free parking; contact Joe Weisberg, (781) 861-6653; Email:; Website: 9-11—MOUNT IDA, ARKANSAS: Annual show; Karlee Wheeler ; Mount Ida Gem, Mineral & Craft Show, 1210 Hwy 270 E; Fri. 10-5, Sat. 9-5, Sun. 9-5; Free Admission; This is a bi-annual event (May & Oct) with over 40 mineral sellers and craft booths to browse. Live music, food, face painting, and family-friendly crystal digs hourly! Free admission to the public. Join us for a fun-filled Mother's Day weekend this spring; contact Karlee Wheeler, (870) 490-2828; Website: 9-11—CHATHAM, ILLINOIS: Annual show; MAPS Mid America Paleontology Society; James Orr Building Illinois State Fairgrounds, 66 4 H Rd; Fri. 9-5, Sat. 8-5, Sun. 8-12; Free Admission; contact Thomas C Williams, (815) 228-5083; Email:; Website: 9-11—FRANKLIN, NORTH CAROLINA: Annual show; Franklin Gem & Mineral Society; Carpenter Community Center, 1288 Georgia Road, 441 South; Fri. 10-6, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-4; Adults $3, Seniors - $2, kids under 12 are free; Annual Mother's Day Gem Show. Gems, Rocks, Jewelry, Fossils, Artisan craft; contact Varshana Dholakia, (828) 342-3135; Email:; Website: FGMM.orgMay 2025-June 2025 30-1—RENO, NEVADA: Retail show; The Reno Gem and Mineral Society, Inc; Reno Town Mall, 4001 S. Virginia St; Fri. 10-6, Sat. 10-5, Sun. 10-3; Free admission and parking; 25 vendors from the Reno Gem and Mineral Society featuring hand crafted artisan jewelry, rocks, slabs, crystals, and related artisan crafts, and wheel of fortune spinning for all; contact Theresa Langhans, (775) 240-0487; Email:; Website: 31-1—HURRICANE, UTAH: Annual show; Crystal Festival - A Rock, Mineral, Gem, & Crystal Show; Washington County Legacy Park, 339 5500 W, Grafton Building; Sat. 10-8, Sun. 10-8; FREE; Join us for the most amazing Rock and Gem Show. We will have 30+ vendors, children's activities, workshops and more! Enjoy an incredible array of rocks, minerals, fossils, spheres, cabochons, jewelry, beads and more; contact Adrienne Marie McElwain, (801) 989-6926; Email:; Website: 31-1—COEUR D'ALENE, IDAHO: Annual show; North Idaho Mineral Club; Kootenai County Fairgrounds, 4056 North Government Way; Sat. 9-5, Sun. 10-4; $6 including tax, Kids under 12 free with paid adult; Over 25 plus vendors, hourly prize drawings, kids corner, silent auction, demonstrations, displays and much more; contact Mike McConnell, (406) 360-4944; Email: micker4749@gmail.comJune 2025 6-8—COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO: Annual show; Colorado Springs Mineralogical Society; Norris Penrose Event Center, 1045 Lower Gold Camp Rd; Fri. 10-6, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-4; $5 for one day, $8 for multiple days, 12 & under free; The Pikes Peak Gem, Mineral & Jewelry Show hosts over 50 vendors offering a dazzling array of gems, minerals, and fossils from Colorado and around the world, plus jewelry, sculptures, meteorites, and more; contact Lisa V Cooper, (719) 351-4018; Email:; Website: 6-8—BOISE, IDAHO: Wholesale and retail show; Gem Faire Inc; Expo Idaho, 5610 N Glenwood St; Fri. 12-6, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-5; $7 weekend pass; Fine jewelry, crystals, precious & semi-precious gemstones, millions of beads, gold & silver, minerals & much more at manufacturer’s prices. Buy direct from the importers & wholesalers. Jewelry repair & cleaning while you shop; contact Yooy Nelson, (503) 252-8300; Email:; Website: 6-8—DULUTH, GEORGIA: Annual show; Bellpoint Gem Show; Gas South Convention Center, 6400 Sugarloaf Pkwy; Fri. 10-5:30, Sat. 10-5:30, Sun. 10-4:30; $8 Admission (Cash Only at the Door); Select dealers from near and far selling extraordinary minerals, jewelry, gems, fossils, healing stones, beads, crystals, rocks; contact BJ; Email:; Website: 7-7—DELTA, COLORADO: Annual show; Delta County Rock Wranglers Club; Heddles Recreation Center, 531 North Palmer Drive; Sat. 9-5; Free Admission; contact Harry Masinton, (970) 856-3861; Email: 7-7—KENT, CONNECTICUT: Annual show; Connecticut Antique Machinery Assoc. and Danbury Mineralogical Society; Connecticut Antique Machinery Association Museum, 31 Kent-Cornwall Road (Route 7); Sat. 10-4; Free admission for visitors; Rocks, minerals, fossils & jewelry available from 35 dealers. Tour the new exhibits of the mining museum. New vendors welcome; contact John Pawloski, (860) 927-0050; Email: 7-7—MACUNGIE, PENNSYLVANIA: Annual show; Pennsylvania Earth Sciences Association (PESA); Macungie Memorial Park, 50 Poplar St; Sat. 8:30-3; Free; Welcome to the Spring Mineralfest, sponsored by PESA! We have two floors of indoor dealers as well as outside 'tailgating' style dealers featuring fossils, gems, lapidary, minerals, and related items from every continent and outer space in addition to two fluorescent exhibit sections; contact Mandy Apgar; Website: 7-8—MONROE, NEW YORK: Annual show; Orange County Mineral Society of NY; Museum Village, 1010 Route 17M; Sat. 10-5, Sun. 10-4; Admission: Adults $5, Seniors $3. Scouts in uniform and children under 12 are FREE; Orange County Mineral Society presents our Annual Mineral, Gem & Fossil Show. Fun for the entire family featuring artisans, craftsmen, collectors, dealers, and exhibitors. Enjoy exhibits, demonstrations, games, educational displays, fluorescent minerals, and fossils; contact Ron Nelson, (914) 850-2486; Email: ; Website: 7-8—RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA: Retail show; Individual; NC State Fairground, Kerr Scott Building, 4285 Trinity Road; Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-5; Free Admission & Car parking.; Rocks, minerals, fossil, beads, gem, jewelry, findings & earth's treasures. You will discover fine jewelry, costume jewelry, precious & semi-precious gemstones, sparkling crystals, millions of beads, gold & silver, jewelry supplies & tools, Door Prize drawing Every 2 hours; contact Ash; Email:; Website: 7-8—RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA: Retail show; Individual; Kerr Scott Building, Raleigh Fairground, 4285 Trinity Road; Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-6; Free Admission; Free Car Parking, show-sponsored silent auction; contact Ash, (919) 257-8915; Email:; Website: 7-8—MOAB, UTAH: Annual show; Crystal Festival - A Rock, Mineral, Gem, & Crystal Show; Old Spanish Trail Arena, 3641 S Hwy 191; Sat. 10-8, Sun. 10-8; FREE; Come shop, network, sign up for rockhounding trips, meet mine owners, jewelry designers, lapidary artists, mineralogists, geologists, rock hounds and more! Find your happy place amongst rock-loving friends at The Crystal Festival. This is free and family-friendly; contact Adrienne Marie McElwain, (801) 989-6926; Email:; Website: 7-8—SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA: Show and sale; Pacific Crystal Guild; San Francisco County Fair Building, 1199-9th Avenue; Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-4; $14 Children 12 and under Free; In our 37th year, you'll find 50 vendors from across the country (as well as California artisans), Asia and Europe. Buy minerals, crystals, beads, gems, jewelry — an amazing array of merchandise; contact Jerry 13-14—KEMMERER, WYOMING: Annual show; Fossil Oasis; South Lincoln Training and Event Center, 215 Wyoming Highway 233; Fri. 9-6, Sat. 9-6; $2 Adults, Kids Free; Celebrate Father’s Day weekend in the Fossil Fish Capital of the World! Book a fossil dig, explore vendors with dinosaur bones, gems, cabinet specimens, jewelry, decor, and more. Live Music, Food trucks, and festivities to also enjoy in Downtown Kemmerer. 2.5 hr drive from SLC, 3 hr to Jackson, WY; contact Keely Sweeney; Email:; Website: 13-15—NOBLESVILLE, INDIANA: Annual show; Evergreen Trading Post & Gems; Hamilton County 4H Fairgrounds, 2003 Pleasant Street; Fri. 11-7, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-5; Kids under 12 Free, Adults $5 ; Evergreen Trading Post & Gems presents 1st Annual Gem, Mineral, Jewelry Show and More. Father’s Day Weekend 2025. Kids area, Free Tumblestone for Kids, Minerals from North America & Beyond, Artisan Jewelry, Vintage & Native Sterling Silver, One Of A Kind Wire Sculptures and Lots More; contact Kristoph Kailholz; Email: 13-15—WEST FRIENDSHIP, MARYLAND: Wholesale and retail show; Mid-Atlantic Gem and Mineral Association, LLC/dba Gem Miner's Spring Show; Howard County Maryland Fairgrounds, 2210 Fairgrounds Rd; Fri. 12-6, Sat. 10-5, Sun. 11-4; $6 Adults, Children under 12, Veterans Free; New Friday Hours; Wholesale Section; Free and Handicapped parking; Demonstrations; contact Teresa Schwab, (301) 807-9745; Email:; Website: 13-15—MARBLE, COLORADO: Annual show; Michael Carter; Meri Daes Campground, Downtown Marble Colorado, 1503 County Road 245; Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9-5, Sun. 9-2:30; free; contact Michael Carter, (970) 309-1543; Email: 13-15—BIG PINEY, WYOMING: Annual show; Sublette County Rock Hounds; Sublette County Fairgrounds Event Center, 10937 Hwy 189; Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9-5, Sun. 9-3; $3, ages 12-59; under 12 & 60+ free; 9th Annual Gem & Mineral Show with field trips, demonstrators, vendors, exhibits, kids’ activities, and food concessions on-site. Including Mr. Bones, the dinosaur puppeteer and vendors with opals, Wyoming jade, jewelry, rock, slabs, cabochons, beads, fossils, specimens, & jewelry-making supplies; contact Jim Gray, (307) 260-6443; Email: 14-15—ONALASKA, WISCONSIN: Annual show; Coulee Rock Club; Onalaska Omni Center, 255 Riders Club Road; Sat. 10-5, Sun. 10-4; $2 per person, age 6 or less free and fathers on Sunday free when accompanied by their children; 20+ Vendors Offering World-Wide: Agates, Geodes, Crystals, Minerals, Fossils, Jewelry, Gemstones, Rough Rock. Cabs/Slabs, Carvings & Spheres, Polished Stones, Thunder eggs, Petrified Wood, and Lapidary Equipment. Plus: Door Prize Drawings, Silent Auctions, Demonstrations, Kids Korner, Geode Crack; contact Allison Conrad, (507) 470-2598; Email:; Website: 14-15—GRAPEVINE, TEXAS: Annual show; Arlington Gem and Mineral Club; Grapevine Convention Center, 1209 S Main St; Sat. 9-6, Sun. 10-4; General Admission $10 and Kids 12 and under Free; 68th Annual Show - Free Parking - Silent Auction - Door Prizes - Raffles - Kids Area - Rolling Rock Club Meeting Sunday at 9am; contact Terri Brewen, (817) 939-1100; Email:; Website: 19-22—PRINEVILLE, OREGON: Annual show; Prineville Rockhound Pow Wow; Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 South Main Street; Thu. 9-5, Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9-5, Sun. 9-4; Free Admission; Field Trips are available Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Signup at information tent. Public oral auction Saturday night, preview at 6, auction at 6:30; contact Jim McCoy, (530) 999-8045; Email: facebook, Prineville Rockhound PowWow; Website: 20-22—ELDON, MISSOURI: Annual show; Osage Rock and Mineral Club; Eldon Community Center, 309 E. 2nd St; Fri. 2-6, Sat. 9-6, Sun. 9-3; $2 per Person; Max $5 per family; Kids 12 & under are free; Gemstones, Jewelry, Geodes, Fossils, Minerals, Quartz Crystals, Custom Jewelry, Cabochons, Gift Items, Demonstrations, Kids games and prizes. The Fluorescent Mineral Program will be Saturday & Sunday only; contact Osage Rock and Mineral Club, (417) 533-2788; Email: 20-22—HILLSBORO, OREGON: Wholesale and retail show; Gem Faire Inc; Westside Commons, 801 NE 34th Ave; Fri. 12-6, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-5; $7 weekend pass; Fine jewelry, crystals, precious & semi-precious gemstones, millions of beads, gold & silver, minerals & much more at manufacturer’s prices. Buy direct from the importers & wholesalers. Jewelry repair & cleaning while you shop; contact Yooy Nelson, (503) 252-8300; Email:; Website: 21-22—DESOTO, MISSOURI: Annual show; Amvets Post 48 HOP Committee; Amvets Post 48, 1075 Amvets Dr; Sat. 9-4, Sun. 9-4; Free Admission; Indoor and Outdoor Booths, Vendors Wanted. 2nd Annual Gem and Mineral show; contact Donna Pelikan, (682) 970-8362; Email: 26-29—MADRAS, OREGON: Annual show; Madras Rock and Gem Club; Jefferson County Event Complex, 430 SW Fairgrounds Rd; Thu. 9-5, Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9-5, Sun. 9-2; Free admission all ages; Daily field trips, Separate kids' area with daily activities, presentations and demonstrations; contact David Heaton, (541) 601-3129; Email:; Website: 27-29—BEDFORD, INDIANA: Annual show; Lawrence County Rock Club; Lawrence County Fairgrounds, US Hwy 50; Fri. 10-6:30, Sat. 9-6:30, Sun. 10-4; Free Admission & Parking; 60th Annual Gem Mineral Fossil Show Wide variety of Gems, Jewelry, Minerals, Fossils, rocks, 4H project & science project items, lapidary, rockhound, prospecting equip & supplies. A fun, interesting & educational experience for all ages; contact Kathy Shaffer, (812) 929-5367; Website: 27-29—RENO, NEVADA: Wholesale and retail show; Gem Faire Inc; Reno-Sparks Convention Center, 4590 S Virginia St; Fri. 12-6, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-5; $7 weekend pass; Fine jewelry, crystals, precious & semi-precious gemstones, millions of beads, gold & silver, minerals & much more at manufacturer’s prices. Buy direct from the importers & wholesalers. Jewelry repair & cleaning while you shop; contact Yooy Nelson, (503) 252-8300; Email:; Website: 28-29—GILSUM, NEW HAMPSHIRE: Retail show; Gilsum Recreation Committee; Gilsum Elementary School & Community Center, 640 Route 10; Sat. 8-6, Sun. 8-4; Donation; Gilsum Rock Swap & Mineral Show is a 2 day event being held from 28th June to 29th June 2025 at the Gilsum STEAM Academy in Gilsum, NH Featuring semi-precious stones, gemstone and wire-wrap jewelry, and rocks and minerals of all sorts; contact Jonathan Bialek; Email:; Website: 28-29—CULVER CITY, CALIFORNIA: Annual show; Culver City Rock and Mineral Club; Veterans Memorial Auditorium, 4117 Overland Ave; Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-5; Free Admission; Fossils, Gem, and Mineral Exhibits, Jewelry-making demonstrations and Workshops, Children’s Programs and interactive Earth Science activities, and Tools, Books, and Jewelry Supplies for sale; contact Janice Metz, CA; Email:; Website: culvercityrocks.orgJuly 2025 10-12—NYSSA, OREGON: Annual show; Nyssa Chamber of Commerce; Nyssa School, 809 Bower Ave; Thu. 12-9, Fri. 9-9, Sat. 9-9; Free; Come join us and enjoy all the different vendors at Thunderegg Days! Follow us on Facebook for more information about the rock tours and the list of events; contact Nyssa Chamber of Commerce, (541) 372-3091; Email: 11-13—DURANGO, COLORADO: Annual show; Four Corners Gem and Mineral Club; La Plata County Fairgrounds Event Center, 2500 Main Ave; Fri. 10-6, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-4; $5 for ages 14 and up; Sixty Dealers from across the U.S. will sell extraordinary rocks, gems, minerals crystals, fossils, meteorites, geodes, shells, and beads from around the world, as well as jewelry, equipment, tools, findings and more! Fun and free activities for the kids, such as gold panning and treasure hunts; contact Cindy Pugsly; Email:; Website: 11-13—RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA: Show and sale; Treasures of the Earth; North Carolina State Fairgrounds, 4285 Trinity Rd; Fri. 12-6, Sat. 10-5, Sun. 10-5; $8 for adults, 16 and under free; In addition to crystals, minerals, fossils, jewelry, beads and pearls, there will be wire-wrappers who can design custom jewelry and set stones on site; contact Ellen White, (757) 641-2124; Email:; Website: 19-20—MOOSE LAKE, MINNESOTA: Annual show; Carlton County Gem & Mineral Club; Riverside Hockey Arena, 20 Earl Ellens Drive; Sat. 9-5, Sun. 9-3; Free; Kids Dig in front of the arena for 8-year-olds and younger. Stampede 1 p.m. Saturday for 400 pounds of agates and $500 of quarters and half-dollars; contact Lynn Svercl, (218) 721-2679; Email: 19-20—ERIE, PENNSYLVANIA: Show and sale; Gem City Rock and Mineral Society; Zem Zem Shriners Banquet and Conference Center, 2525 West 38th Street; Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-5; Adults $4, children under 12 free; contact Robert Gallivan, (814) 454-6770; Email: 19-20—ESSEX JUNCTION, VERMONT: Annual show; Burlington Gem and Mineral Club; Champlain Valley Exposition, 105 Pearl Street; Sat. 10-5, Sun. 10-5; $4 adults (16-59), $3 seniors (60+), children under 16 free with paying adult; Come to the 44th Annual Champlain Valley Gem, Mineral and Fossil Show — the largest gem, mineral and fossil show in Vermont! Thousands of beautiful natural specimens and jewelry are available at affordable prices. Exhibits, demonstrations, raffle, silent auctions, door prizes, mineral and fossils; contact Dean Menke; Email:; Website: 19-20—COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO: Annual show; Crystal Festival - A Rock, Mineral, Gem, & Crystal Show; Colorado Event Center, 3960 Palmer Park Blvd; Sat. 10-8, Sun. 10-8; FREE; This is a family-friendly rock and gem show designed to bring the community together. Shop, network, sign up for rockhounding trips, meet mine owners, jewelry designers, lapidary artists, mineralogists, geologists, rock hounds and more! Find your happy place amongst rock loving friends; contact Adrienne Marie McElwain, (801) 989-6926; Email:; Website: 24-27—FAIRPLAY, COLORADO: Annual show; El Chivo Viejo; Fairplay River Park Event Site, 200 Platte Dr; Thu. 9-5, Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9-5, Sun. 9-5; Free Admission, Free Parking; 25 Dealers at this outdoor show. There are mineral specimens, rough, slabs, jewelry, cabochons, beads, findings, fossils; contact Jay Penn, (505) 883-4195; Email:; Website: 2025 1-3—VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: Show and sale; Treasures of the Earth; Virginia Beach Convention Center, 1000 19th St; Fri. 12-6, Sat. 10-5, Sun. 10-5; Adults $8, 16 and under free; In addition to crystals, minerals, fossils, jewelry, beads and pearls, there will be displays of Virginia rocks and minerals, lapidary arts demonstrations, and geode cutting by the two Gem and Mineral societies of the area. A gemologist will also be available for appraisals; contact Ellen White, (757) 641-21; Email:; Website: 1-3—NIPOMO, CALIFORNIA: Show; Orcutt Mineral Society; Nipomo High School, 525 N. Thompson Ave; Fri. 10-5, Sat. 10-5, Sun. 10-4; Free admission and parking; Orcutt Mineral Society 57th Rock And Gem Show there are 60 outside dealers and 12 inside dealers and there is a kid's booth and food trucks; contact Renea Sutcliffe, (180) 592-927; Email: 1-3—BELFAST, MAINE: Annual show; Midcoast Mineral Collectors Club; Bayview Point Event Center, 15 Front Street; Fri. 6-9, Sat. 9-7, Sun. 10-5; Free for all; Midcoast Maine's First Gem and Mineral Fair! In beautiful downtown Belfast! Vendors from all over Maine and New England. Showcasing Gems, Fine Minerals, Crystals, Fossils, Jewelry, Fun Educational Interactive Displays, Good Food, and much more; contact Nyla Bravesnow, (207) 568-3261; Email:; Website: 7-10—BUENA VISTA, COLORADO: Annual show; Buena Vista Contin-Tail Gem, Mineral & Fossil Show; Buena Vista Rodeo Grounds, Gregg Drive; Thu. 9-6, Fri. 9-6, Sat. 9-6, Sun. 9-6; Free Admission, Free Parking; Join us for a fun, family-friendly, and educational event. Each year, 80-100 vendors get together to sell beautiful gems, minerals, fossils, lapidary art, handmade jewelry, and more. More than just a ‘rock show’; it truly is an experience; contact Lisa Cooper, (719) 351-4018; Email:; Website: 8-10—PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON: Annual show; Port Townsend Rock Club; Jefferson County Fairgrounds, 4907 Landes St; Fri. 10-8, Sat. 10-8, Sun. 10-6; Gate admission prices are: $8 for adults, $6 for seniors 65+ and for students 13-17, $2 for children 6-12 and free for children 5 and younger; Featured with the Fair each year we include members display cases and vendors. A large running HO scale train display, spin the wheel for prizes and a raffle; contact Vicki Stearns, (425) 941-5708; Email: 9-10—WALNUT CREEK, CALIFORNIA: Show and sale; Pacific Crystal Guild; Civic Park Community Center, 1345 Civic Drive (at Broadway); Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-4; $14, Children 12 and under Free; The fantastically marvelous Crystal Fair is coming to Walnut Creek on the second weekend in August (the 19th &10th). It will be a spectacular show. Rocks & minerals, gems & jewelry, metaphysical arts. Find the crystal that's right for you. Get a massage. Have a psychic reading. Get an aura photo; contact Jerry Tomlinson, (415) 383-7837; Email:; Website: 10-10—ALDERGROVE, BC, BRITISH COLUMBIA: Retail show; Fraser Valley Rock & Gem Club; Legion parking lot, 26607 Fraser Highway, Aldergrove., 6607 Fraser Highway; Sun. 10-4; family, kids & adults. anyone interested in lapidary work, gems, rocks; Vendors will be selling jewelry, gemstones, crystals and lapidary supplies. This is a family-friendly event. NOTE: The Legion will be selling hot dogs and hamburgers during lunch; contact Ruby Jaggernath, (604) 856-5954 13-17—MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN: Annual show; Milwaukee Show, LLC (Lowell Carhart and Don Olstinske); Baird Center, 400 W. Wisconsin Avenue; Wed. 12-7, Thu. 10-7, Fri. 10-7, Sat. 10-7; Sun. 11-6; Adults $10 / Kids $5 This exciting new show is one hour north of Chicago O’Hare airport and takes place in the just-completed $465 million expansion of the Baird Center. It boasts 332,000 sqft of indoor selling space and will allow us to grow to 1,700 booths; contact Lowell Carhart, (804) 291-6357; Email:; Website: 15-17—LEBANON, PENNSYLVANIA: Wholesale and retail show; Mid-Atlantic Gem and Mineral Association/dba Gem Miner's Jubilee; Lebanon Valley Expo and Fairgrounds, 80 Rocherty Road; Fri. 10-6, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-4; $6, Discount coupon on website; children under 12, Veterans Free; Two wholesale rooms; outdoor tailgate area; demonstrations; contact Teresa Schwab, (301) 807-97; Email:; Website: 15-17—LAKE GEORGE, COLORADO: Annual show; LGGMC; Lake George, Hwy 24, East of the Post Office, 4 mi. W of Florissant; Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9-5, Sun. 9-5; Free Admission & Parking; 30+ vendors with local specimens, auction and kids activities; contact Carol Kinate, (719) 648-9015; Email:; Website: 16-17—RICE LAKE, WISCONSIN: Annual show; Northwest Wisconsin Gem & Mineral Society; Barron County Fair Grounds - Youth Expo Center, 101 Short Street, (On Hwy. 48 - North End of Rice Lake); Sat. 10-5, Sun. 10-4; Free; Children's Museum, Activities & Crafts, Demonstrations, Displays & Door Prizes; contact Roy Wickman, (715) 357-3223 22-24—MARIETTA, GEORGIA: Annual show; Bellpoint Gem Show; Cobb County Civic Center, 548 S. Marietta Pkwy; Fri. 10-5:30, Sat. 10-5:30, Sun. 10-4:30; Admission $10 cash only at the door; Select dealers from near and far selling extraordinary minerals, jewelry, gem, fossils, healing stones, beads, crystals, rocks; contact BJ; Email:; Website: 23-24—EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS: Annual show; Geology Section of Peoria Academy of Science; East Side Centre, #1 East Side Drive; Sat. 9-5, Sun. 10-5; Free admission and parking; Dealers of Gemstones, Minerals, Fossils, Jewelry, Slabs, Fluorescents, Carving, and stone items Demonstrations of Cutting and Polishing Cabochons, Fluorescents, Wire Wrapping, Geode Cracking, Beading Other Activities: Silent Auction, Door Prizes, Grab Bags for Children, Special Interest & More; contact Sandi Lawson, Show Chairman, 23-24—ELK MOUND, WISCONSIN: Rock Swap Meet & Sale; Chippewa Valley Gem & Mineral Society; Town of Wheaton Ball Parks, 3900 38th Street; Sat. 8-4, Sun. 8-4; Free; Vendors pay $25.00 per day for spot. Set up and take down your items each day that you attend. No overnight camping. Gems, minerals, and rock-related items and equipment for swap meet; contact Paul Tubbs, (715) 834-5747; Email: 29-31—ST PETERSBURG, FLORIDA: Annual show; Jerri Heer; The Coliseum, 535 4th Avenue N; Fri. 10-5, Sat. 10-5, Sun. 10-5; Adults $5, Teens and Veterans $4, Children 12 and Under Free; First Big Fall Show of 2025 in Southern Florida! 15,000 sf of fabulous vendors of Jewelry, Gemstones, Crystals, Minerals, Beads, Fossils and more! This show is retail and open to the public, perfect timing to use some of that Holiday gift $$. Join us at St. Petersburg's historic Coliseum; contact Jerri Heer, (419) 344-9999; Email: hrgemshows@gmail.comAugust 2025-September 2025 29-1—RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA: Show and sale; Treasures of the Earth; North Carolina State Fairgrounds, 4285 Trinity Rd; Fri. 12-6, Sat. 10-5, Sun. 10-5, Mon. 10-4; $8 for adults, 16 and under free; In addition to crystals, minerals, fossils, jewelry, beads and pearls, there will be wire-wrappers who can design custom jewelry and wrap stones on site; contact Ellen White, (757) 641-2124; Email:; Website: http://www.TreasuresOfTheEarth.comSeptember 2025 5-7—BOWLING GREEN, OHIO: Annual show; Toledo Gem and Rockhound Club; Wood County Fairgrounds, 13800 W Poe Rd; Fri. 10-6, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 11-5; $6, 3 day Pass $12, Kids under 12 and Scouts in Uniform Free; Annual Club Show featuring 35 + vendors of Jewelry, Gems, Crystals, Minerals, Beads, Rough Rock, Tools and so much more! Displays, Demos, Kid's activities, something for everyone. Come immerse yourself in the world of Gems and Lapidary, see what the Toledo Gem & Rockhound club is all about; contact Jerri A Heer, (419) 344-9999; Email: 6-7— LONGVIEW, WASHINGTON: Annual show; SWMS Southern Washington Mineralogical Socity; Cowlitz County Fairgrounds Event Center, 1900 7th Ave; Sat. 10-5, Sun. 10-4; Free for whole family!; Auctions, kids activities, demonstrations, blacklight room, jewelry, beads, food, prizes. Beautiful and unusual things to see. Rocks for sale; contact Greg M Larson, (503) 421-3877; Email: 13-14—RENO, NEVADA: Show and sale; The Reno Gem and Mineral Society, Inc; Grand Sierra Resort Silver State Pavilion, 2500 E. Second Street; Sat. 10-5, Sun. 10-4; $10 adults, kids <12 free; 40+ vendors, RGMS sponsored Silent Auctions (30 min. intervals), Raffle (gifts, $), Demonstrations, Lectures, Kids Corner, Wheel Spinning, Gold panning, Display cases, Fluorescent Rock Booth, Dinosaurs and fossils; contact Stephanie Leonard, (925) 785-4551; Email:; Website: 19-21—RICHMOND, VIRGINIA: Show and sale; Treasures of the Earth; Richmond Raceway Complex, 600 E Laburnum Ave; Fri. 12-6, Sat. 10-5, Sun. 10-5; $8 for adults, 16 and under free; In addition to crystals, minerals, fossils, jewelry, beads and pearls, the Richmond Gem and Mineral Society will be there with educational displays of Virginia rocks and minerals and dinosaur bones; contact Ellen White, (757) 641-2124; Email:; Website: 20-21—NASHVILLE , INDIANA: Annual show; Brown County Rock and Mineral Club; Brown County 4-H Fairgrounds, 802 Memorial Drive; Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-4; free; gold panning, kids activities and freebies, silent auctions hourly, indoor and outdoor vendors, food truck on site; contact Tyler Ferris, (317) 671-5796; Email:; Website: 20-21—CHICO, CALIFORNIA: Annual show; Feather River Lapidary & Mineral Society, Inc; Silver Dollar Fairgrounds, 2357 Fair Street; Sat. 9-5, Sun. 9-4; Adults $6, Kids 16 & under free, $1 off with postcard/coupon. Plenty of free parking courtesy of FRLMS.; There will be over 30 dealers both indoor and outdoor selling everything from rough rock to jewelry, fossils, and specimens. Door prizes! There will be geode cracking, a treasure hunt and wheel spin, silent auctions both days, on-site food, etc. We hold our Scholarship raffle Sunday afternoon; contact John Scott; Email:; Website: 20-21—ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA: Annual show; Pasadena Lapidary Society; Arcadia Masonic Center, 50 W. Duarte Road; Sat. 10-5, Sun. 10-4; Free Admission & Parking; Our 65th Annual Gem and Mineral Show will feature Exhibits, Demonstrations, Raffle Prizes; Dealers offering gems, minerals, lapidary, geology-related items and much more; educational Kids' area with grab bags, sand scoop, treasure wheel, starter rock collection. Snack bar; contact Marcia Goetz, (626) 260-7239; Email:; Website: 20-21—GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO: Annual show; Grand Junction Gem and Mineral Club; Mesa County Fairgrounds, 2785 US-50; Sat. 9-5, Sun. 10-4; Adults: $5, Seniors and Military: $4, Kids<12: Free; Our 79th Annual Rock Show, Kids activities, Silent Auction, Florescent room, Silversmithing and Lapidary demonstrations, Free Parking, Food Trucks, 40 Vendors indoors + outdoors, Email Contact:; contact Steve Cable, (970) 312-1005; Email:; Website: 20-21—POUGHKEEPSIE, NEW YORK: Show and sale; Mid-Hudson Valley Gem & Mineral Society, Inc.; Gold's Gym & Family Sports Center, 258 Titusville Road; Sat. 10-5, Sun. 10-4; Adults $6, Seniors/Students $5, Children under 12 FREE with adult; contact Linda Wuest, (845) 626-7136; Email:; Website: 20-21—AMANA, IOWA: Annual Auction; Cedar Valley Rocks & Minerals Society; Amana RV Park & Event Center, 3850 C St; Sat. 8:30-6, Sun. 9:30-4; Free Admission; The Cedar Valley Rocks and Minerals Society holds an annual two-day auction each fall. The 2025 auction will be held Saturday and Sunday, September 20 and 21. Viewing is Friday evening from 5:00-7:00. The auction is open to the public. Food is available; contact Marv Houg, (319) 350-9435; Email:; Website: 27-28—OCEAN SPRINGS, MISSISSIPPI: Annual show; Mississippi Gulf Coast Gem and Mineral Society; Ocean Springs Civic Center, 3730 Bienville Blvd. (HWY 90); Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-5; Adults $5, Kids under 12 free with paying adult, 1 door prize ticket with each paid admission; Magnolia State Gem, Mineral and Jewelry show, there will be over 20 vendors, Exhibits, Demonstrations, Educational Resources, Available for Purchase: Fossils, Gemstones, Jewelry, Supplies and More. Also, there will be children's activities and a sluice; contact Barbie Beatty, (228) 238-9900; Email:; Website: 27-28—ST PAUL, MINNESOTA: Annual show; Minnesota Mineral Club; MN State Fairgrounds, 1694 Judson Ave; Sat. 10-5, Sun. 10-4; Free admission with suggested donation; Grab a friend or the kids and have a great time at Minnesota Mineral Club's Annual Rock, Mineral & Gem Show! Agates, Fluorescents, Gems, Jewelry, Minerals, Fossils, Exhibits, Demonstrations, Rock ID, Kids' Activities, 60+ Vendors, ATM, Food Trucks. Everything from trinkets to eye-popping specimens; contact Karen; Email:; Website: 27-28—OSHKOSH, WISCONSIN: Annual show; Oshkosh Earth Science Club; Sunnyview Exposition Center, 500 E County Rd. Y; Sat. 9-5, Sun. 10-4; Adults - $2, Kids under 12 Free; Member Displays - Demonstrations Rocks, Minerals, Fossils, Jewelry Over 20 Vendors filling over 80 Tables Door Prizes - Raffles Fun Children's Area Food Vendor; contact Michael J Lenz; Website: 2025 3-5—VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: Show and sale; Treasures of the Earth; Virginia Beach Convention Center, 1000 19th St; Fri. 12-6, Sat. 10-5, Sun. 10-5; $8 for adults, 16 and under free; In addition to crystals, minerals, fossils, jewelry, beads and pearls, there will be displays of Virginia rocks and minerals, lapidary arts demonstrations, and geode cutting by the two Gem and Mineral societies of the area. A gemologist will also be available for appraisals; contact Ellen White, (757) 641-2124; Email:; Website: 3-5—ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO: Annual show; Abq. Fall Gem, Mineral & Jewelry Show; Expo NM State Fairgrounds, 300 San Pedro NE - Enter at Gate 3 @ San Pedro and Copper, Creative Arts Bldg; Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9-5, Sun. 9-5; Free Admission to show, $10 parking; , mineral specimens, rough, slabs, jewelry, cabochons, beads, fossils, findings; contact Jay Penn, (505) 883-4195; Email:; Website: 4-5—MONROE, WASHINGTON: Show and sale; Marysville Rock and Gem Club; Evergreen Fairgrounds, 14405 179th Ave SE, Building 500; Sat. 10-5; FREE to ALL; The 49th Annual "Rocktoberfest" Rock, Jewelry, and Mineral Show & Sale Demonstrators, Dealers, Exhibits, Raffle Drawings, Door Prizes, Food Service, Espresso & Elephant Ears Special Display - Dino Skull; contact Brian Murril, (425) 346-9313; Email:; Website: 4-5—EAST MOLINE, ILLINOIS: Annual show; Worthen Earth Searchers; Rock Island County Fairgrounds, 4200 Archer Drive; Sat. 9-5, Sun. 9-4; $1, children under 12 are free; Rock, Mineral, Fossil, Gem, and Jewelry show! This has become one of the biggest shows in the midwest! Over 40 vendors! This show offers handcrafted jewelry, raffles, gem mining sluice, flint knapping, geode cracking and our famous silent auction; contact Cindy M Cottrell, (563) 210-4744; Email: 4-5—SANFORD, FLORIDA: Annual show; Florida Fossil Hunters; Sanford Civic Center, 401 E. Seminole Blvd; Sat. 9-5, Sun. 10-4; $6/ adult; $2/child; Fossils, rocks, minerals, artifacts, supplies, silent auctions, children’s activities; contact Valerie First, (407) 699-9274; Email:; Website: 4-5—JEFFERSON, WISCONSIN: Annual show; Rock River Valley Geological Society; Jefferson County Fair Park Activity Center, 503 N. Jackson Avenue; Sat. 10-5, Sun. 10-4; Free Will Offering; Demonstrations of Lapidary, Faceting and Wire Wrapping. Children's Activity Area. Mineral, Fossil, Gemstone and Jewelry Dealers; contact Steven Streich, (608) 655-1011; Email:; Website: 10-12—LOGAN, UTAH: Show and sale; Cache Rock and Gem Club; Cache County Event Center, 450 South 500 West; Fri. 10-7, Sat. 10-7, Sun. 10-6; Adults $3 Families $10 12 and under free; The Cache Rock and Gem Show 2025 has Rocks, Minerals, Fossils, Jewelry, Displays, Educational Exhibits, Demonstrators, Supplies, Vendors, and Door Prizes. Don't forget to see our Fabulous Fluorescence Display. Children's Activities include: Wheel of Fortune, Mystery Bags, and Gem Dig; contact Brett Fonnesbeck; Email:; Website: 11-12—FAIRFIELD, IOWA: Annual show; Sac & Fox Lapidary Club; Jefferson County Fair Grounds, 2606 W Burlington St; Sat. 9-5, Sun. 9-4; Free admission; Across from Walmart. Events for kids; contact Steve Mitchell; Email: 11-12—WALNUT CREEK, CALIFORNIA: Show and sale; Pacific Crystal Guild; Civic Park Community Center, 1345 Civic Drive (at Broadway); Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-4; $14, Children 12 and under Free; The fantastically marvelous Crystal Fair is coming to Walnut Creek on the second weekend in August (the 13th & 14th)). It will be a spectacular show. Rocks & minerals, gems & jewelry, metaphysical arts. Find the crystal that's right for you. Get a massage. Have a psychic reading. Get an aura photo; contact Jerry Tomlinson, (415) 383-7837; Email:; Website: 17-19—DANVILLE, INDIANA: Annual show; Indianapolis Gem And Mineral Show; Hendricks County Fairgrounds, 1900 E Main St; Fri. 10-6, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 11-4; 18 and older $8, 11-17 $3, 10 and under free; Bringing to you gems, minerals, jewelry, beads, fossils and meteorites from around the world; contact Alan Koch; Website: 17-19—MASON, MICHIGAN: Annual show; Central Michigan Lapidary and Mineral Society; Ingham County Fair Grounds, 700 E Ash Street; Fri. 1-7, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-4; Adults - $5, Teens - $3, Kids under 12 Free with paying Adult (cash only) Scouts in Uniform Free; Largest lapidary, fossil, mineral and jewelry show at the Ingham County Fairgrounds. Wall-to-wall dealers, Children's Rock Table and Free Craft Table, Raffle, Silent Auction, Hourly Door Prizes. Free Parking. ATM on site.; contact Robin Smith, (517) 290-4891; Email:; Website: 18-19—DES MOINES, IOWA: Annual show; Des Moines Lapidary Society; Iowa State Fairgrounds - Elwell Family Food Center, 3000 E Grand Ave; Sat. 9-5, Sun. 9-4; Admission $6, Children 12 & Under FREE and FREE Parking; This event is family friendly, with children's activities, speakers, demonstrations, displays, and much more to see. 20+ Vendors from across the United States; contact Show Committee; Website: 18-19—SEDONA, ARIZONA: Annual show; Sedona Gem and Mineral Club; Sedona Red Rock HS, Hwy 89A at Upper Red Rock Loop Rd; Sat. 10-5, Sun. 10-4; Adults $5 Children 12 & Under Free; Annual Rock, Gem and Jewelry Show. 45 vendors with specimens, rough and finished rock and many types of jewelry and supplies. Kids adventure to collect 12 different rock specimens throughout the show; contact Mark Moorehead, (928) 274-4450; Email:; Website: 18-19—ORANGE, CALIFORNIA: Annual show; American Opal Society; Velvet Rose Event Center, 300 S. Flower St; Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-5; Adults $5, seniors $5, Students free with ID children under 15 free; Opal and Gem Dealers from around the USA and Australia; Rough and Cut Opals, other gemstones, jewelry & supplies.Prize Drawing Grand Prize by Stan McCall Custom Creative Gem Cutting and many other prizes. Free Demonstrations: gemstone cutting, jewelry making, faceting, opal cutting; contact Veronica Purpura, (714) 501-9959; Email:; Website: 24-26—OKLAHOMA CITY, OK, OKLAHOMA: Annual show; Oklahoma Mineral & Gem Society; OKC State Fair Park - Modern Living Building, 608 Kiamichi Place; Fri. 9-6, Sat. 9-6, Sun. 10-5; Under 12 - Free, All others $8; Come see and purchase treasures from the Earth. 40 vendors will be offering minerals, crystals, gems, fossils, artisan jewelry, rough rock and tools. See door prizes, silent auction items, exhibits and demonstrations. A great children's area and a room full of fluorescent minerals can be found; contact Douglas Pollitt; Email:; Website: 25-26—CUYAHOGA FALLS, OHIO: Show and sale; Summit Lapidary Club and Akron Mineral Society; Emidio & Sons Expo Center, 48 E Bath Rd; Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-5; Adults $6, Seniors (55+) and students $5, Children 7-14 $1, Children 6 and under and scouts in uniform, free; Wheelchair accessible, credit cards acceptable for admission. 38 quality vendors, gem mine and crafts for children, door prizes, geode cracking, displays and demonstrations of lapidary arts, food truck; contact Evelyn Tryon, (330) 673-9664; Email:; Website: 25-26—PORT MOODY, BRITISH COLUMBIA: Annual show; Port Moody Rock & Gem Club; Kyle Centre, 125 Kyle Street; Sat. 10-5, Sun. 10-5; Admission by Donation; Displays, dealers, activities for the kids; contact Andrew Danneffel; Email:; Website: https://www.portmoody.rocksNovember 2025 7-8—HURRICANE, UTAH: Annual show; Antonella Townsend; Washington County Legacy Park, 5500 W 700 S; Fri. 10-7, Sat. 10-7; Free admission; 11th Annual Southern Utah Rock and Gem Show! Join us for an exciting weekend celebrating 11 years of rock, fossil, and gem discoveries! Whether you're a passionate rockhound or just looking for a fun time; contact Antonella Townsend, (435) 609-9265; Email: 7-9—DULUTH, GEORGIA: Annual show; Bellpoint Gem; Gas South Convention Center, 6400 Sugarloaf Pkwy; Fri. 10-5:30, Sat. 10-5:30, Sun. 10-4:30; $10 Admission cash only at door ; Select dealers from near and far selling extraordinary minerals, jewelry, gem, fossils, healing stones, beads, crystals, rocks; contact BJ; Email:; Website: 8-9—BELLEROSE, NEW YORK: Show and sale; New York Gems, Jewelry And Mineral Show; Metropolitan Pavilion, 5 Th FL 115 W 18th Street; Sat. 10-6, Sun. 11-5; Entry Ticket $15 for the two days; The Oldest Gem, Jewelry & Mineral Show in New York City Sponsored by the New York Mineralogical Club Lots of your Favorite Dealer's Retail and Whole Sale Hourly Door Prizes; contact Mohamed Bary, (347) 247-6568; Email: 8-9—FREEPORT, ILLINOIS: Annual show; Northwest Illinois Rock Club; Eagles Club #679, 1200 West Galena Avenue; Sat. 9-5, Sun. 10-4; Admission is Free. Goodwill donation appreciated; Many vendors selling wide range of gems, fossils, minerals, rock specimens, jewelry, and more. Kid's Area and activities for kids. Big geode cracking area. Buy and crack your own geode to take home with you. Free demonstrations of gem tree making, flint knapping, jewelry wrapping, & lapidary; contact Brian Green; Email:; Website: 14-16—RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA: Show and sale; Treasures of the Earth; North Carolina State Fairgrounds, 4285 Trinity Rd; Fri. 12-6, Sat. 10-5, Sun. 10-5; $8 for adults, 16 and under free; In addition to crystals, minerals, fossils, jewelry, beads and pearls, there will be wire-wrappers who can design custom jewelry and wrap stones on site; contact Ellen White, (757) 641-2124; Email: 14-16—LEBANON, PENNSYLVANIA: Wholesale and retail show; Mid-Atlantic Gem and Mineral Assoc./dba Gem Miner's Holiday Show; Lebanon PA Expo and Fairgrounds, 80 Rocherty Rd; Fri. 12-6, Sat. 10-5, Sun. 11-4; $6, Discount coupon on website; children 12 and under and Veterans free; New Friday hours; two wholesale rooms; Demonstrations; contact Teresa Schwab, (301) 807-9745; Email:; Website: 22-23—MESQUITE , TEXAS: Annual show; Dallas Gem and Mineral Show; Mesquite Convention Center, 1700 Rodeo Dr; Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-5; adults-8, kids under 12-4, family of 4-20, Vets-Teachers-over 65-5, Scouts in Uniforms-Free. Get QR code for free parking; contact Diana Case, (214) 349-2022; Email:; Website: 22-23—TOLEDO, OHIO: Show and sale; Northwest Ohio Rockhounds; St James Lutheran Church, 4727 Sylvania Ave; Sat. 9-5, Sun. 10-5; Free admission; Free Kid's Activities Rock Identification, Geode Cracking, Mineral Specimens, and Fossils. Slab, Rough, and Polished Materials Handmade Jewelry and Crafts Decorative Art and more; contact Suzanne Shimatzki, (419) 376-2650; Email:; Website: 29-30—WICKENBURG, ARIZONA: Annual show; Wickenburg AZ Gem & Mineral Society; Hassayampa Elementary School, 195 E Coconino St; Sat. 9-5, Sun. 10-4; Free for Everyone; This show is packed with vendors inside and outside! - And it's Free for everyone! Over 30 knowledgeable vendors. Free door prizes at each hour. Great raffle prizes help support the club's $3000 annual scholarship to a local high school student; contact Karen Havird, (602) 999-4402; Email:; Website: wickenburggms.orgDecember 2025 5-7—DULUTH, GEORGIA: Annual show; Bellpoint Gem Show; Gas South Convention Center, 6400 Sugarloaf Pkwy; Fri. 10-5:30, Sat. 10-5:30, Sun. 10-4:30; $10 Admission (cash only at the door); Select dealers from near and far selling spectacular minerals, jewelry, gems, healing stones, beads, rocks and crystals from all over the world; contact BJ; Email:; Website: |