Rock & Gem’s Club Subscription program is back by popular demand. Participation is as easy as 1, 2, 3.
- Review program details and discuss with fellow club members.
- Gather and submit subscription orders and payment.
- Enjoy Rock & Gem each month and receive a percentage of your club members’ payment for a subscription as a contribution to your group’s treasury.
Program Details: Each club member completes a subscription form and pays $29.95 for a 1-year (12 issues) subscription. The club designates a representative to collect all subscription orders and payments. The representative deducts $6 from each subscription payment for contribution to the club and remits the balance in one check made out to Rock & Gem for all subscriptions.
The club’s representative will send a single package containing members’ subscription forms, and the single payment for all of the subscriptions, after subtracting the club’s portion.
This offer is open to new subscribers, existing subscribers, and anyone who may have let their subscription lapse.
Forms: The two forms include 1. The club’s representative must complete 2. Subscription form each member must complete.
Questions: Please contact Antoinette Rahn, managing editor of Rock & Gem, with any questions (arahn@beckett.com or 715-721-0532).