Mike Burkleo is a long time jade carver from Monterey California. He began collecting and working with the stone as a boy. His art has appeared in galleries throughout California, specifically in Big Sur, art shows, and homes throughout the United States.
Following a successful sale of a portion of their jade collection in 2019, Burkleo and his wife, Joan, who operate Revelations In STONE, are set to sell another segment of the collection July 25-26, 2020 in Fairfield, California.

Mike, along with Dr. JC Buller, started the California School of Jade Carving, where carvers of all skill levels, beginners to seasoned professionals, expand their jade carving skills. Burkleo is also the managing editor of “Friends of Jade,” a noted journal dedicated to this spectacular stone.
Carrying On a Tradition
“As a child, I remember watching my father turn a piece of jade over in his hand,” Burkleo recalled. “He would pause and hold the stone up to the light admiring the unique colors.”
Today, Burkleo explained, he carries on the tradition set forth by his father, blessed to be able to work with this wonderful type of stone.
“When I discover a great piece, I ponder what that stone could become and how to maximize what nature has given,” he said. “It often becomes jewelry, a vessel, or a sculpture, for others to appreciate.
“As I carve, it seems as though time disappears and instead of me imposing my will upon the stone, I find myself yielding to the form the stone offers.”
It’s been more than 57 years since Burkleo was introduced to jade stones, and he is even more captivated by them today.
“(I) frequently find myself with a piece of jade in my hand, unconsciously turning it over and admiring the beautiful colors and shape, as I hold it up to the light,” he added.
Jade Sale
The sale will include 40 tons of jade, a variety of black and green jade, from various locations around the world, including British Columbia, Siberia, and locations in California and Wyoming, among others.
Sale Dates: July 25-26
Time: 9am – 5pm
Location: Fairfield, California (Specific address will be shared when a reservation to participate is made.)
To Make a Reservation or For More Information: Call Mike or Joan at 707-372-7274 or email im4jade@yahoo.com. Please indicate which day you plan on attending the sale.