There’s a time for every season, as the ancient verse states, and for one Missouri family, it is a time of drawing to a close one season, with the hope that it also marks the beginning of a new season for someone else.
With the passing of the family matriarch this summer, it marks the end of a family-run business of lapidary work completed on the family’s homestead. The property is nestled in the forest of the Ozarks of southwestern Missouri. Now, the family is seeking to find someone or a couple of someone’s interested in starting a new chapter of life and work.
According to a family member involved in the sale, the goal right now is to find a buyer for the entire collection and property if possible. But, if (it’s not possible) then the family will sell the property separate from the collection.
The 5-acre estate includes:
• 29 x 50 workshop
• Lapidary equipment including saws, tumblers, and lapping and polishing machinery
• 30 x 80 modular home (separate from workshop)
The equipment has been in the family for decades, as the family explained, but has not been used for the past 10. To view photos of the equipment, visit https://www.ozarklapidarycollection.com.
In addition to the equipment and buildings, the sale includes tons of material — a collection with thousands of pieces of finished and rough gems and minerals of all types. The collection includes a significant amount of agates, thomsonite, and Isle Royal Green stones, among others.
The estate is valued at $200,000, while the estimated wholesale value of the collection is $500,000. The family is accepting offers for two options:
1. An inclusive package: Gems and minerals collection and the 5-acre estate (property/workshop/homestead)
2. The gem and mineral collection only
For more information or to make an offer, visit the Contact Us page on the site: https://www.ozarklapidarycollection.com/contact-us or call 417-414-0702.