Metaphysical rocks are numerous and popular today. Here we’ll explore some of the historical and modern metaphysical uses of rocks and talk with people who use them.
What is Metaphysics?
It’s hard to put a concrete, definitive definition to metaphysics. In today’s world, metaphysics has expanded to include the study of a wide range of topics including mysticism, meditation, self-help, astrology, dreams and spirituality.
Historical Metaphysical Uses

As far back as there are records, there is evidence of stones being used by different religious groups in different ways. Precious stones were sewn into clothing and embedded in battle armor for protection.”
As far back as there are records, there is evidence of stones being used by different religious groups in different ways. Precious stones were sewn into clothing and embedded in battle armor for protection. Because the earliest references predate scientific identification, stones were recognized strictly by color. The depiction of a red stone in a painting or a story might be a ruby or red jasper or carnelian or garnet, or any red stone.
The Bible
There are references to precious stones in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. The book of Exodus 28:17-21 describes Aaron’s breastplate which held twelve stones: carnelian, chrysolite, beryl, turquoise, lapis lazuli, emerald, jacinth, agate, amethyst, topaz, onyx and jasper. The twelve stones represented the twelve sons or tribes of Israel.
From Revelation 21:11 (New International Version) “It shone with the glory of God, and its brilliance was like that of a very precious jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal.” In verses 18-21 “The wall was made of jasper, and the city of pure gold, as pure as glass. The foundations of the city walls were decorated with every kind of precious stone. The first foundation was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald, the fifth onyx, the sixth ruby, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth turquoise, the eleventh jacinth, and the twelfth amethyst. …”
Wiccan References

Photo courtesy of Ilze Lucero
The Bible isn’t the only reference. The Wiccan celebration known as Mabon marks the Autumnal Equinox. This holiday celebrates the second harvest and marks the time when day and night are balanced and equal. It is viewed as the time to restore balance and harmony to your life.
Preparation for the celebration includes setting out decorations that reflect the colors of the season such as red, gold, dark green, brown and orange. Stones of those same colors such as citrine, amber, cat’s eye, sapphire and jasper are used to decorate homes and altars. While the name “Mabon” was coined in the 1970s, the harvest celebration dates back to the Druids and is still celebrated today.
The Metaphysical Stone in Today’s World
Today’s metaphysical uses for stones are as varied as the people who use them. Whether it’s a pendant to wear, a stone to hold or a chip in your pocket, whether you’re a high school student, first responder or teacher, people of all ages, professions and walks of life are finding ways to tap into the metaphysical uses of stones.

Natural stones and crystals are part of the earth element in Feng Shui. Clear and rose crystals, amethyst, jade and citrine are some of the more commonly used stones. Those who practice meditation may hold a stone both as an aid in focusing and in releasing unwanted energy or emotions.
The process of “gridding” involves creating an energetic grid in and around your home and property. Stones like tourmaline, rose quartz, carnelian and shungite are used to improve the effectiveness of the grid.
Stones are often used to help align chakras. Chakras are energy centers in the human or animal body. These energy centers interact with the physiological, neurological and energetic systems. There are seven main chakras, each is a specific color. These colors are then associated with a crystal or stone of the same or similar color. For example, the Crown Chakra is purple or violet. Holding an amethyst during meditation is believed to help realign the Crown Chakra.
Real Life Stone Stories
Today’s world can often feel like a mixed-up and difficult place, especially when you factor in the confusion of adolescence.
Stones at School
A young woman we’ll call “AH” is a 16-year-old high school student living in South Dakota. She uses stones and crystals to help navigate the emotional turmoil that comes with being a teenager. On test days, she uses amethyst to help relieve stress and keep her grounded. When working at a local coffee shop, she might wear her malachite necklace to help repel negative or toxic energy or carry obsidian in her pocket for protection. AH says one of the reasons she works is to earn money for her expanding crystal and rock collection. “I told my mom that she should be grateful I’m blowing my paycheck on crystals and not drugs.”
Multiple Responsibilities
Jennifer, a holistic life coach (support@ jrosehealthcoach.com) and first responder for a rural Arizona fire department, uses stones and crystals in her personal life and in both her careers. A holistic health coach is someone who works with clients to assist them in finding better, healthier ways to live their lives.
When she is working with a client, Jennifer may feel the need to focus on a specific chakra. Depending on the client and the situation, Jennifer might ask the client to hold a stone or she may place the stones directly on the client during the session. She may recommend someone hold Apache tears to help release grief or moldavite to release trauma. Some of the other stones she uses in her practice are rose quartz, fluorite, black tourmaline, amethyst, citrine, aventurine and snowflake obsidian.
Being a first responder is a difficult job both physically and emotionally—especially in today’s world. To help reduce stress, Jennifer carries black tourmaline and shungite. An amethyst stone helps her stay grounded.
In her personal life, Jennifer uses stones in her home and garden. When she was having difficulty sleeping, placing shungite around her bedroom helped to alleviate the insomnia. Gardening in the Arizona desert can be a challenge. After placing shungite in the garden beds, her plants were more vigorous and production improved.
Website Owner
Theresa Wolf-Silva, owner of WhisperedHealings.com, also uses stones in both her professional and personal life. She places tourmaline, clear crystal quartz and carnelian in each of four small flower pots and places them in her yard to grid her home. When conducting a guided mediation or spiritual reading she may ask a client to hold specific stones or place them on the person’s body.
Before her work as a seer, Reflexologist and Reiki Practitioner, Theresa worked in corporate America. Her jewelry choices always reflected that day’s events. The largest and most profitable account she landed happened while wearing a pendant containing malachite, a stone believed to have a strong financial connection. However, it’s not just about the stone. Theresa points out that “You can’t just sit it there. You have to do your work too.” Your work involves setting your intention—clearly stating what it is you want help with and what you want the rock to do for you.
One of Theresa’s clients is an elementary school teacher who keeps several types of stones on her desk. If a student is having a difficult time, the teacher invites the student to select one of the rocks to carry for the day. According to the teacher, children always pick the stone most appropriate for that day’s challenge and she always notices a shift in their behavior.
Energy Worker & Healer
Joanne Faulkner, owner at Two Hands Talking uses stones and crystals in her role as an energy worker and healer. When doing a healing on a person or animal, she’ll feel directed to place stones on their body or around them to aid in their healing. When a goat farmer’s animals were being poisoned, Joanne performed an energetic clearing of the land and buried sardonyx on the four corners of the property. She too wears jewelry containing the stones she feels she may need that day—rhodochrosite for self-esteem or a labradorite pendant for clarity.
Using Metaphysical Rocks
As you begin collecting and using rocks for their metaphysical properties, it’s important to remember there is no one right way. There’s no “perfect” stone to use in any given situation. How do you know which stones are the best ones for you? Regardless of who you ask, the answer is always the same— the rocks will speak to you. Theresa explains “They just talk to me. It’s hard to explain to people.” Jennifer will hold a stone and ask, “Would you be willing to work with me?”
AH feels drawn to a stone or piece of jewelry. For Joanne, it’s about sitting and listening.
“When people give me new stones, I try to sit with them and let them tell me what is what.”
As you try different rocks in different situations or placements, keep a journal of your thoughts and feelings and make a note of what seems to work for you.
www.jewelsforme.com/gem_and_jewelry_library/ curious_lore_chapter_seven
Disclaimer: The metaphysical properties discussed in this story are not intended as a substitute for traditional medical treatment. If you have a health issue, please seek a licensed medical professional. The crystals and stones discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any conditions.