Clubs are an incredibly important element of our community, and we are grateful for the opportunity to encourage participation in clubs, highlight club contributions and efforts, and tell some of the many wonderful stories about what clubs mean to their members.

As you’ve likely seen, throughout the year 2021, we’re celebrating Rock & Gem’s 50th anniversary, and each month we are hosting contests/events calling on participation from readers. This month’s call for contribution is about clubs. We are looking for short stories (500 words or less) about what it means to be in a club, meant to be part of a club, or how you’ve been impressed or inspired by a club. Please be sure to include in your submission the name of the club.
Each submission will be featured in Rock & Gem’s 50th anniversary commemorative issue, which will be published in mid-July 2021. Submissions will be accepted until April 30, 2021. Plus, we’ll select two people at random from all who submit stories to receive a one-year subscription to Rock & Gem and a mystery prize.
Send your submissions to Managing Editor Antoinette Rahn via email at arahn@beckett.com or via U.S. mail at Antoinette Rahn, c/o Rock & Gem, 415 West Fulton St. #9, Waupaca, WI 54981.
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